Trade Policy
Governance - Justice - Transparency
Trade Needs Assessment for Sri Lanka
The overall objective of the Trade Needs Assessment is to assist Sri Lanka to benefit more from international trade through increased and more effective participation in the multilateral trading system.
ASEAN-EU Programme for Regional Integration Support (APRIS) sub-project No. 0502: Technical Training Programme
The specific objectives of this specific technical training sub-project are:
To increase the general level of understanding among Secretariat staff members of the aims, benefits, models and components of economic integration;
To increase awareness of the “bigger picture” (the policy decisions taken by ASEAN, and interrelationships between the different technical areas), thereby promoting commonality of purpose and vision among Secretariat staff members…
Needs Assessment of Trade and Trade Related Assistance for the Republic of Indonesia
The overall objectives of the Trade Needs Assessment are to identify the most efficient and direct contribution that the EC could give to Indonesia, in order
to support the GoI:to mainstream trade matters in its development policy and strategy (or PRS)…
An Assessment of the Trade Related Issues and Definition of Assistance Needs in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
Objectives :
1To review and analyse the trade related policies in the three countries, in particular assessing degree of convergence or harmonisation with EU standards and practices, with particular attention to the following issues…