Trade Policy
Governance - Justice - Transparency
Armenia-Support for Institutional, Legal and Administrative Reform phase IV
In line with the priority given by the Government to Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) implementation, reflected in the current preparation of a National Programme, the objective of this project is to further assist Armenia in the PCA implementation (e.g. approximation of legislation), to assist and advise on matters related to rights and obligations deriving from Armenia’s accession to the WTO and to pursue TACIS’s work in improving the investment/business environment.
Intellectual Property Rights Promotion at the Ministry of Economy and Trade
The objectives of the contract are:
To attain a high level of awareness on IP issues among Lebanese thereby safeguarding their innovations, arts, creations, etc. and complementing the country’s policy for an open and transparent market economy, with special emphasis on meeting the country’s obligations towards the international community;
Industrial Modernization Programme
The objectives of the project are:
to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Planning and International cooperation and to assist the relevant Jordanian institutions I establishing a conducive environment for industrial modernization.
European Technical Assistance for Vietnam (ETV 2)
The overall objective of the ETV2 project is to improve economic and social development in Vietnam during its period of transition to a market economy by facilitating better decision making in the public and private sector, and the development of clear, rational transparent policies, strategic plans and legislation through strengthening of policy/legislation making capacity, promotion of change and results-oriented management and of means of implementation.