Trade Policy
Support to the Ministry of Trade in Baku for the accession of Azerbaijan to the WTO Phase I
DMI Associates carried out the WTO Accession Support Project to the Azeri Ministry of Commerce (using both European, and local staff members). As a technical assistance project it facilitated the accession of Azerbaijan to the WTO by providing direct task driven assistance to the Azeri authorities, strengthening the government’s capability to develop trade policy consistent with its international obligations…
Promotion Of The Exports Of SMEs In Cote d’Ivoire
Elaboration of an export / industrial development / investment promotion strategy for the Ivory Coast and reorganization of the country’s promotional services and agencies in collaboration with the Ministry of Trade. This included analysis and recommendations of the means of developing closer contacts and co-operation between the three main representative bodies qua producers (FNISCI), investors (CEPICI) and exporters (APEX-CI).
WTO Accession Support, commitments under general Agreement on trade in Services (GATS), with a focus on sector specific issues in telecommunications and financial services
Assistance to the Russian Federation in the development of an offer of specific commitments for the schedule of commitments under general Agreement on trade in Services (GATS), with a focus on sector specific issues in telecommunications and financial services. Advice on investment policy.
Asia Framework Program lot 6: Running the Industrial and Business Development
In a consortium with Metra Sofres Ltd (leader), DMI is running the industrial and business development lot (lot 6) for the provision of ST expertise.
Governance - Justice - Transparency
Support to the Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court of Georgia (CCG) was established in 1996 and has faced important developments in terms of its structure and competencies.
Within the framework of EU approximation process, the project aims at strengthening the rule of law and human rights protection in Georgia in line with Georgia’s international commitments.
Provision of Expertise to Support ETF Initiatives for Human Capital Development Framework Contract
The European Training Foundation (ETF) is a specialised agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy. The ETF helps transition and developing countries to harness the potential of their human capital through the reform of education, training and labour market systems in the context of the EU’s external relations policy.
Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Serbian Tax Administration by Ta To Design a Human Resource Management System
The overall objective of this contract is to support the modernization of the Serbian Tax Administration (STA) by establishing efficient It system aligned with the EU requirements for management of human resources and subsequent training of users in its use and maintenance.
Support to Regional Development in Georgia – Review Mission 3rd Tranche
The global objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to contribute to the implementation of the State Strategy for Regional Development of Georgia 2010-2017.