Trade Policy
WTO Accession: Analysis of Key Policy Issues for the Economy of the Bahamas
Support the establishment of an effective legal basis to foster economic development and attract investment:
To provide a comprehensive analysis of all normative acts and legal documents relating to business development;
Drafting of the law on E Commerce in Russia
Assist the Russian Federation to develop legislation and to improve the business for e-commerce including e-signature and e-commerce laws and to prepare for future legislation related to distance selling and consumer protection, liability of Internet Service Providers and data protection.
Organization in all Aspect of the Maison de l’Exportateur Grouping all existing Support Organisation of Tunisia (World Bank)
The government of Tunisia has recently created the Maison de l’Exportateur. This organization groups all the services provided to Exporters and Importers by support organizations (one stopshop concept). The project objective is to define and organize the different departments of the House.
Moldova WTO Accession Project
Moldova WTO Accession Project Description Evaluation. Country Moldova Beginning – END 01/09/2000-30/09/2000 Field of Expertise Monitoring & Evaluation Amount 5 000,00€ Client EC
Governance - Justice - Transparency
Support Facility for the Development of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions for Submission to the United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (Unfccc)
support the Government of Gabon in the elaboration of its INDCs for submission to the UNFCCC by October 2014
Central Asia Rule of Law Platform
The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards the development of a stable and democratic political framework in the Central Asian partner countries, as established in the EU Strategy for Central Asia.
The Environmental and Economic Benefits for the European Union of Strengthening Cooperation with the Asean Region in the Field Of Environment
The objective is to provide an overview of ASEAN’s environmental and economic importance, both globally and for the EU, and assess the potential environmental and economic benefits that could accrue to the EU from strengthening cooperation with ASEAN in the field of environment.
Framework Contract Lot 10 – Elaboration of Cameroon’s National Export Strategy
The general objective of this project is to elaborate the Cameroon’s National Exportation Strategy..