Trade Policy
WTO Accession Support (Memorandum, Questions, Assistance to Negotiations)
The overall objective is to support and facilitate the accession of Yemen to the World Trade Organisation, thereby contributing to improved efficiency in the Yemeni economy and long term economic growth. The project focuses specifically on supporting the preparation and co-ordination of the accession process. This means that the project directly supports the WTO Co-ordination and Communications Unit in the Ministry of Supply and Trade.
EU INDIA joint Initiative for Enhancing Trade and Investment
The present project falls within the Asia Investment Facility.
The specific objectives are:
To increase awareness among European and Indian business operators of business conditions and opportunities prevailing in India in the concerned economic sectors; Engineering, Food processing, Information technologies, and telecommunications.
WTO Accession: Analysis of Key Policy Issues for the Economy of the Bahamas
Support the establishment of an effective legal basis to foster economic development and attract investment:
To provide a comprehensive analysis of all normative acts and legal documents relating to business development;
Drafting of the law on E Commerce in Russia
Assist the Russian Federation to develop legislation and to improve the business for e-commerce including e-signature and e-commerce laws and to prepare for future legislation related to distance selling and consumer protection, liability of Internet Service Providers and data protection.
Organization in all Aspect of the Maison de l’Exportateur Grouping all existing Support Organisation of Tunisia (World Bank)
The government of Tunisia has recently created the Maison de l’Exportateur. This organization groups all the services provided to Exporters and Importers by support organizations (one stopshop concept). The project objective is to define and organize the different departments of the House.
Governance - Justice - Transparency
Framework contract lot 7-Culture, Tourism, Good Governance
The objective of the Framework Contract is to provide, via individual assignments through Specific Contracts, short-term technical assistance which can be mobilised at very short notice. The framework contract covers third countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the New Independent States, Latin America, Asia, the Mediterranean, Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific
Support to the Judicial Training Centre
As part of the overall efforts by the European Union to promote judicial reform, enhance the rule of law, increase the knowledge level of EU law and promote human rights the EAR has, in agreement with the Serbian Ministry of Justice, agreed to assist the Serbian Judicial Training Centre (JTC) with a program to enhance its institutional capacity.
Support for the Implementation of the Trade, Commercial and Economic Co-operation Agreement (TCA) between the EU and the Republic of Tajikistan
The main objective of this project is to establish the capacity within the Tajik administration to identify priority areas for implementation of the trade, economic and commercial provisions of the TCA The specific objectives are:To strengthen the countries capacities in drafting laws and implementing regulations.To improve the country’s foreign investment climate…
Identification Mission for the EC Programme of Cooperation with SAARC
Identification mission to support closer economic integration of SAARC members in accordance with the “Strategy Paper for Multi-country programme in Asia”.
Monitoring System for the Implementation of Cooperation Projects Financed by the EU
Monitoring System for the implementation of Cooperation projects Financed by the EU Description Monitoring of two projects:APPUI AU PROGRAMME DE MISE A NIVEAU DE LA