Mid-Term Evaluation of the Estheraid Project


This evaluation had as objective to assess the progress made towards the final objectives of UNITAID support to ESTHER for ESTHERAID, and the likelihood of the project achieving the objectives that were initially set. ESTHERAID provides support to 5 Francophone West African countries for supply chain management of medicines and tests for HIV/AIDS in children and 2nd line patients.
The review included recommendations on how project management can be improved to help the project achieve its objectives more effectively and efficiently.
The recommendations took into consideration how ESTHERAID could continue to support and strengthen supply chain management in the countries where it is now working and what may be required in the short term to support the project. Of particular interest is the connection between the availability of quality paediatric and 2nd line ARVs and UNITAID funding for these medicines.
In addition, recommendations were made on how to mitigate stock outs of key medicines and tests.


Western Africa

Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Monitoring & Evaluation


24 255,00€


Croix Rouge

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