Identification Mission on the New Regional Project on Police Cooperation (ENPI- 2010-2013)


The general Objective of this mission is to identify, on the basis of the previous MEDA JHA I and II programmes and of the ENPI South Regional Strategy Paper and of the Regional Indicative Programme 2007-2010, the future regional project “EuroMed Police III”. This project will foster cooperation on police issues between the ENPI South partner countries and EU countries and ENPI South countries themselves, contributing to the achievements of the Chapters 1 and III of the Barcelona Declaration and to ensure the implementation of the Five Year Work programme and of the Code of Conduct on Countering Terrorism.The future EuroMed Police III project will deal with the following issues:Strengthening the EuroMed networks in the field of police;Strengthening cooperation, including with European organisations such as Europol and facilitation of the liaison officer tasks.Fight against the organised crime, drugs, money laundering, trafficking and smuggling of human beings, sexual exploitation and pornography (including child pornography);Fight against terrorism (including public provocation to commit a terrorist offence/incitements, radicalization, recruitment and training also through the Internet) and implementation of the Code of Conduct on Countering TerrorismCBRN (Chemical, Bacteriological, Radiological and Nuclear) threatFight against financial crimes;Fight against cyber crime and new for ns of criminal offences through new technologies;Continuing training and common definitions of good practices;Definition and implementation of operational aspects;



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Governance - Justice -Transparency


79 000,00€


Atos Origin
