Technical Assistance to the East African Community


The overall objective of this assignment is to improve the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the horizontal functions of the EAC Secretariat and other regional institutions and to prepare new regional programmes relevant to the East African Community in the field of regional governance, gender equality, youth peace, civil society engagement, security and culture.

The purpose of this contract is to provide short-term capacity building specific assistance to the EAC Secretariat for key horizontal functions and formulate regional governance programmes in line with the priorities of the region.

The services requested include:

  • For the capacity building, short-term technical assistance will be provided for the following fields:

·        Communication and media,

·        ICT,

·        Procurement and financial management,

·        Legal services,

·        Projects and Programmes coordination,

·        Strategic and Operational Planning,

·        Monitoring and Evaluation, 

·        Internal Audit,

·        Human resource.

  • For the formulation of regional programmes, short-term technical assistance will be provided for the following fields: regional governance, gender equality, youth peace, civil society engagement, security and culture.


EAC Secretariat

Beginning - END

January 2022-May 2024

Field of Expertise



918,600 €


