Armenia-Support for Institutional, Legal and Administrative Reform phase IV
In line with the priority given by the Government to Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) implementation, reflected in the current preparation of a National Programme, the objective of this project is to further assist Armenia in the PCA implementation (e.g. approximation of legislation), to assist and advise on matters related to rights and obligations deriving from Armenia’s accession to the WTO and to pursue TACIS’s work in improving the investment/business environment. Public awareness and Government capacity building in PCA implementation are complementary components. The project is based on five components: Component 1: Development of a draft National Programme for implementation of the PCA, addressing institutional and legal policy requirements; Component 2: Assessment of the progress made in PCA implementation and reporting.; Component 3: Preparation of analyses and recommendations regarding the approximation of legislation in Armenia,; Component 4: Publication of Armenian Trends series (3rd and 4th issues), including economic forecasts and statistical annexes.; Component 5: Development of AEPLAC, visibility raising, publications.