Mid-term evaluation of the Regional Support Programme "Increasing Maternal and Neonatal Health Care in the Sahel Zone (Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger)


Mid-term evaluation of a four-year programme (2012-2016): “Scaling up maternal and newborn health care”. The project, covering four countries in the Sahel region, is funded by the AFD (French Development Agency) / Muskoka initiative and implemented by the French Red Cross Society (budget of €7,000,000).

The programme aims to achieve MDGs 4 and 5 related to maternal and child health. DMI (lead partner) provided four health experts (international and local) to conduct this mid-term evaluation to: (1) measure progress, (2) assess DAC criteria, (3) assess project management and (4) assess project coordination and monitoring, in order to provide recommendations for the second phase of the project.

In particular, the evaluation focused on the three main components:
– Availability of quality health services;
– Community awareness and demand building; and
– Capacity building of health professionals and Red Cross volunteers.
A SWOT analysis is to be accompanied by recommendations for the remaining period of the Sahel programme.


Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger

Beginning - END

Sept. to December 2014

Field of Expertise

Public health Evaluation


36 516 €


Croix Rouge française



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