Framework Contract for Human Capital Development expertise services - Lot 1: Expertise provision
The European Training Foundation (ETF) is a specialised agency of the European Union based in Turin, Italy. It supports countries outside the EU in improving their human capital development, providing advice and support to the countries themselves and to the EU Delegations, on the reform of education, training and employment policies and systems. Within its new ETF Strategy 2027, the ETF aims to provide policy advice to its partner countries, supporting sustainable reforms of education and training systems in a Lifelong learning perspective, and promoting skills for the future. It also identifies the changes required for the ETF to broaden its area of expertise in response to the shifting trends away from formal schooling towards wider learning pathways, and from isolated solutions towards comprehensive ones, and integrated actions across education and training systems. Core services and modalities within the strategy are based on: Policy advice and input, Diagnosis and assessment, Knowledge hub.
The objective of this Framework Contract is to provide external expertise to support the ETF activities toward its partner countries in the field of Human Capital Development, in line with its Strategy. Under this FWC missions, experts are requested to provide services covering a range of specific key areas, which are not exhaustive, such as: Missions are implemented at country and regional level in countries of the EU Neighbourhood and Enlargement regions, and in Central Asia; they are also contributing to the EU external policies and programmes at Pan-African level.