Monitoring System of the Implementation of Projects and Programmes of External Assistance financed by the European Community- ACP countries
To gather results – oriented information on projects in the field and to report on progress in order to maintain and where possible improve the quality of external co-operation activities through timely, independent, well-targeted information on project implementation. The system is rooted in the Commission’s Project Cycle Management / Logical Framework method. Broad scope monitoring including new budgetary support, sector wide and ex-post monitoring that allows for bench marking and comparative analysis of EU project and Programmes (delivery methods, impact, sustainability….). Among important recent assessments, Health and Education sectors , which form the focal sectors of many country strategy papers have included ; Health capacity building of the Ministry of Health and of development resources management in Namibia, Education in Burkina Faso, Health in Ethiopia and strengthening of the rule of law in Benin. A total of 450 project per year are monitored and 550 report per year are to be produced. The project employs in excess of 100 permanent and temporary staff (monitors and support personnel) and has a Central Project Office in Brussels with 3 regional offices in the ACP region (South Africa, Senegal and Santo Domingo).About 400-450 projects are to be monitored yearly in the regions covered by the EDF Programme.