Drafting and Action Programme for a Private Sector Development programme


PSD is clearly identified as an area where support is needed, both in the National Development Strategy and in the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper of the republic of Tajikistan.
Both aim at improving the investment climate and developing entrepreneurship, with three main priorities:
Reinforcement of legislation to improve the investment and entrepreneurial climate;
Better organisation of procedures for regulating the activities of economic entities under all forms of ownership;
Expansion of support for business.
Global objective : The Formulation Mission’s global objective is to contribute to the effective, efficient and sustainable implementation of the strategies for the Private Sector Development of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Specific objective(s) : The specific objective of the Project is to draft an Action Fiche for a programme which will support Private Sector Development at both the macro and meso levels.



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Development & Business Environment


30 000,00€



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