Support to the Kosovo Judicial/Prosecutorial Council


The project aims at supporting the efforts to develop the Kosovo judiciary in line with EU standards by increasing its independence and improving its performance.
The purpose of the project is to support the development and strengthen the independence, performance, professionalism and efficiency of the Kosovo Judicial Council and The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council to the level expected in view of increasing standards up to an European level.
Further on to provide strategic support to the said Councils to develop their organisational capacities and professional capabilities to execute their mandates according to the new relevant legislation.The project is implemented through the development of 4 components:
Component 1: Organisational support to the Councils: the structure and the efficiency of the KJC/KPC are strengthened, allowing them to effectively perform their tasks; Organigram and relevant job descriptions are in place by both Councils; Equivalent structures and legislative Framework referring specifically to ODC and JAU are in place; Capacities for drafting/updating and implementing strategic planning developed.
Component 2: Support to the enhancement, appointment, evaluation and disciplinary system of judges: A fully functional, independent and transparent system of an appointment, evaluation and disciplinary system of judges established/developed; A system of evaluation of professional capacity of judges fully functional; Disciplinary system for judges with clear-cut criteria and disciplinary measures (including dismissal) created and in place.
Component 3: Support to the enhancement of an appointment, evaluation and disciplinary system of prosecutors: A fully functional, independent and transparent system of an appointment, evaluation and disciplinary system of prosecutors established/developed; A system of evaluation of professional capacity of prosecutors fully functional;Disciplinary system for prosecutors judges with clear-cut criteria and disciplinary measures (including dismissal) created and in place.
Component 4: Improving access to legal documents: The scope and role of a legal Resources Centre to be managed by the Kosovo Judicial Institute is defined through a need assessment. Judges and prosecutor’s access to legal documentation is strengthened



Beginning - END


Field of Expertise

Governance - Justice -Transparency


3 098 050,00€


Human dynamics
Conselho Superior da Magistratura



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