KZ-Astana: DCI — Civil Service Reform and Modernisation of the Government of Kazakhstan
This project is implemented under the joint program of the bilateral cooperation between the European Union and the Government of Kazakhstan “Public Sector Reform and Modernization: Supporting Kazakhstan’s Policy to Modernize its Public Administration” This project is aimed at improving and developing the institutional capacities and HR potential of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs (ACSA) and Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (APA) in order to carry out an effective implementation of the Concept on a new civil service model. The project consists of three components: Component 1 is addressing the issues of the Concept’s implementation, the development of legal regulatory acts aimed at improving HR work with civil servants. This includes the improving the civil service selection methods, to improve the quality of competitive tests and to ensure the informational and technical security of a testing procedure and the confidentiality of test tasks and responses. The Civil servants’ competences are improved by developing the system for training and upgrading their qualifications, and by further improving the methodology for assessing. The business ethics standards for civil servants are enhanced and the work of disciplinary councils is improved, as well as the legal regulatory framework on the issues of conflict of interests. The motivation of Civil servants is supposed to be enhanced by improving the system of payment, pension security and non-monetary motivation. The project will develop practical recommendations for the HR services and ACSA on how to implement the provisions of the Concept and of the legal regulatory acts aimed at implementing thereof and train the staff on how to implement and observe the provisions of the Concept in practice and train the staff of ACSA on how to draft legal regulatory acts aimed at implementing thereof. To inform civil servants and citizens about positive changes that will be created as a result of the accepted amendments to the Law “On Civil Service” and other legal acts. Component 2 is addressing the issues of improving the institutional capacities of ACSA, The National Centre for Civil Service Staff Management JSC (SMC) and HR services of the state bodies, enhancing the quality of the labor organization and management, functioning of the e-kyzmet system, performing the assessment of the operational efficiency of the state bodies and civil servants. This includes the assessment of the institutional capacities, and human resources capabilities of the ACSA and SMC, development of methodological and organizational measures aimed at increasing the quality of labor ; Component 3 is aimed at developing and improving the institutional capacities and HR potential of APA to provide education and training taking into account professional needs, as well as to enhance the qualifications of civil servants and public officers. It is presupposed that APA will come one of the best research and training s entity in the CIS by 2015, will maintain the process of its modernization on an ongoing basis and, in addition to the educational and training services, will provide high quality research and advisory services within its mandate. This includes for example to provide support for the implementation of the actions plan to fulfill the obligations on international accreditation and to elevate the ranking of APAorganization and management, and creation of integrated systems for monitoring human resources of the civil service. Other important issues of this Component are creation of an expert-academic base to develop tests and select civil servants, development of model regulations of the HR service of a state body, development of training programs for staff of the state bodies’ HR services the area of managing and developing human resources, development of legal regulatory measures aimed at increasing operational efficiency of the state bodies and enhancement of the quality of decision-making processes and procedures, and the establishment of an ongoing feedback with recipients of state services.